Articles and Academic Papers
- Annie Stannard
- Dr Keith Myerscough
- Industrial Heritage (Part 1) – Cotton Lancashire’s Victorian Swimming Baths
- Industrial Heritage (Part 2) – Public Baths Providing Health, Hygiene and Exercise
- Industrial Heritage (Part 3) – Collier Street Baths: Past, Present, Future
- Industrial Heritage (Part 4) – Public Swimming Baths: A Civic Responsibility?
- The Stalybridge Merman – Joseph ‘Joey’ Nuttall
- Dr Richard Talbot MBE, PhD, M.Phil.
- Elizabeth Graham
- Frances M Worsley
- Judy Goldsmith
- Malcolm Shifrin
- Michael Loftus
- Scott Fleming
- Shanique Thompson
- Simon Graham Allen
- Steven Rob
- Sylvia Kölling