Association of Bath Superintendents – Progress of the Association 1925

1925 Annual Conference ReportFrom Association of Bath Superintendents Annual Conference Leeds 7th and 8th May 1925 REPORT of PROCEEDINGS


The Hon. Secretary, Mr. J. H. T JOWETT (Ealing), read, the following;

In presenting this review of the work our Association it must be stated that its formation was thought of, and talked about by Bath Superintendents, at least twenty years ago.

In August 1920 a circular letter addressed by myself to the Bath Superintendents in London obtained 27 favourable replies. Of those in favour of the project 18 attended a meeting on December 6th 1920. Mr. Burch was elected Chairman of the meeting, and after a discussion, during which nearly all present spoke, it was unanimously resolved, “That an Association of Bath Superintendents be formed.” Rules were prepared and adopted at the first General Meeting held January 10th 1921, at Pitfield Street Baths, Shoreditch, by kind permission of the Baths Committee, and through the good offices of Mr. Richardson. Mr Burch was elected the first President, Mr. Richardson Vice-President, and Mr. Hope Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. An Executive Committee and Hon. Auditors were also elected.

At the first Executive Meeting the President was appointed to represent the Association on the joint Consultative Committee of the N.A.L.G.O. also to be Delegate at the N.A.L.G.O. Conference. It was decided at this meeting to extend the sphere of the Association to the whole of the United Kingdom. At a meeting in April 1921 a letter from the N.A.L.G.O. was read, asking this Association in common with other sectional’ societies to submit a scale of Salaries for recommendation to the Co-ordinative Sub-Committee. Mr. Hope read a very interesting and informative paper on the ” Law concerning Public Baths and Wash-houses,” including references to Baths and Bathing from the earliest records down to the present time and the President introduced the question of the purification of Bath Water both of which were discussed.

At a meeting on December 15th 1921,it was reported by the Hon. Secretary that as a result of a circular letter to all Bath Superintendents in the United Kingdom, nearly 600 in, number four replies had been received, Mr. Swarbrick of Blackpool, Mr. Mainprize, Derby, Mr. Tootell, Burnley, and Mr. Wilson, of Swinton. Mr. Swarbrick was present and received a hearty welcome.

The report by the President of the meetings of the N.A.L.G.O. Co-ordination Sub-Committee was very interesting; it showed that the Scale of Salaries submitted by our Association was the only one which gave entire satisfaction and it was recommended to other Societies as a model to work upon in cases where the scale submitted could not be adopted. This was particularly gratifying as we were the youngest Association affiliated to the N.A.L.G.O. At the end of our first year the number of members was 37.

On several occasions the Executive has made representations to municipal authorities with respect to advertisements of posts as Bath Superintendents at salaries below the normal scale and has; in some cases succeeded in obtaining a favourable revision of the salary offered.

At the Annual General Meeting, March 1922, Mr. Richardson was elected President, Mr. Baker Vice-President and Mr. Hope Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. “The Local Government and other Officers Superannuation Bill” was considered and a Sub-Committee appointed; as a result of their report to the Executive it was decided to urge the Executive Council of the N.A.L.G.O. to use their best endeavours to make the Bill a compulsory one. During this year many important matters were discussed including the Superannuation Bill, and “Bath Construction and Management,” whilst the question off instituting an examination scheme for. Bath. Superintendents was also dealt with.

At the A.G.M. held on April 12th, 1923, Mr. Baker was elected President, and Mr. Hope vice-President. Mr. J. H. T. Jowett was elected as Hon. Secretary and Mr. J. H. Derbyshire Hon. Treasurer. During the year 1923 the question of Filtration and Purification of Bath Water was discussed on several occasions, Mr. Burch contributing largely from his long experience.

A further invitation to all Superintendents in England and Wales, 594 in all, resulted in 21 new members joining the Association making a total of 59.

All the Superintendents in Leeds had joined the Association and Mr. Sowary asked per­mission to arrange a meeting at Leeds of the members in the , North of England with a view of forming a Northern Branch.

At the A.G.M. on February 8th, 1924, Mr. L. Jefferson Hope was elected President and Mr. Austin Vice-President. A, programme of the proposed meeting at Leeds was presented and accepted, and a letter read inviting the President, Mr. Burch, and the Hon. Secretary to attend and address the meeting to be held on March 27th. This meeting was held at Leeds Town Hall and was well attended. A cordial welcome was given to all present by Mr. Councillor Wilkinson, Chairman of the Properties Committee, who expressed his hope that the Association would continue to progress. The meeting resulted in the inauguration of the Northern District Branch of the Association, 27 members being transferred thereto from the parent body. Mr. Sowary was elected first President and Mr. Swarbrick Vice President. Meetings of the Northern Branch were subsequently held at Blackpool, Sheffield and Nottingham, and the Branch rapidly increased its numbers.

An important step was the publication of a Report on Water in Public Baths, a copy of which was sent to every Superintendent in England and Wales, and copies supplied to many Municipal and other bodies at their request. The Report is the result of much deliberation and discussion at our meetings and it is satisfactory to be able to record that it has received very little adverse criticism.

At the General Meeting on 29th January, 1925, Mr. H. R. Austin was elected President and Mr. S. S. Powlson Vice-President of the association. The Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer of the Association were again re-elected. At this meeting one of the most important resolutions passed during the short history of the Association, was that deciding to hold an Annual Conference in May. ‘That decision has resulted in this gathering to-day, the success of which is abundantly apparent. From this brief review you will gather that our progress has been steady. We are now established and it only remains for us to steadily continue; to bring into our Association some who could help us and many who we can help. With the cooperation of all Baths Superintendents the further usefulness and success of our Association is assured.

Rough Minute Book of the Association of Baths Superintendents 6th December 1920 to 10th March 1922

Bath Superintendents Association Rough Minute Book

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