Significant Events in the History of the Institute 1930 to 1939
Southern District of the ‘Association of Bath Superintendents’ established.
Sixth Annual Conference Southampton – May 7th to 9th
10th President: R. Tootell (Burnley)
Hon Secretary: H. R. Austin (Beckenham, Kent)
Hon. Treasurer: J. D. Sutton (West Ham)
Conference attended by a Representative of the Ministry of Health Dr. J. Alison Glover O.B.E., M.D.
Scottish District of the ‘Association of Bath Superintendents’ established.
The Association was incorporated and became the ‘National Association of Bath Superintendents’ (Incorporated).
Advisory Committee established to deal with planning or construction of baths and wash-houses.
Seventh Annual Conference Bournemouth – May 6th to 8th
11th President: Mr. F. A. Burch (Islington)
Hon Secretary: Mr. H. R. Austin (Beckenham, Kent)
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. D. Sutton (West Ham)
Conference attended by a Representative of the Ministry of Health W. A. Ross, O.B.E.
First visit by a foreign delegate to the conference took place; the gentleman being Mr. Ernst Hoppenberg of Bremen who gave a paper entitled ‘Public Baths in Germany’.
Districts of the Association renamed as Branches
Eighth Annual Conference Manchester – May 4th to 6th
12th President: Mr. A. Teasdale (Manchester)
Hon Secretary: Mr. E. Shutt (Central Baths, Bermondsey)
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. D. Sutton (West Ham)
Mr. A. Teasdale Presidential Address ….’The objects of the Association are to create and stimulate a desire amongst its members to render mutual assistance to one another, make themselves as proficient as possible for the positions they hold, and thus to raise the status of Bath Superintendent as Municipal Officers’
Ninth Annual Conference Royal Leamington Spa – May 3rd to 5th
13th President: Mr. A. E. Read (Greenwich)
Hon Secretary: Mr. E. Shutt (Central Baths, Bermondsey)
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. D. Sutton (West Ham)
Association introduces syllabus for Associate examinations.
Examinations were held in Sheffield and candidates travelled from London, Manchester, Nottingham and Falkirk.
There were two examinations, the first being the Graduates’ examination, which is not confined to Bath employees and is open to anyone over 18 years of age. It consisted of a one-day two-session examination, and was conducted as various centres throughout the country. The Associates award, which is confirmed to those, who have served a period of at least five years in the service, is a two-day examination, and like the Graduates’ test is carried out on the same days as various centres. The test is one framed from the examination syllabus, which covers all the subjects likely to be met with in Baths work. Successful candidates can be regarded by employing authorities as having a sound knowledge of their job.
First recorded use of the designatory letters: M.N.A.B.S, in a conference report of the National Association of Bath Superintendents.
A London Borough, thought to be Holborn, adopted and put into operation an apprenticeship scheme. It is thought that the member of the Association concerned in the management was the Emil Whittle.
Ministry of Health invited the Association to submit evidence with respect to bath buildings and equipment and a memorandum was submitted in September in the preparation of which each Branch had taken part.
First publication of Baths and Bath Engineering – The Official Journal of the National Association of Bath Superintendents – March 1934
Tenth Annual Conference Hastings – May 16th to 18th
14th President: Mr. Chas. Burgess (Leeds)
Hon Secretary: Mr. H. R. Austin (Beckenham, Kent)
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. D. Sutton (West Ham)
Eleventh Annual Conference Southport May – 14th to 16th
15th President: Mr. A. W. Stapleton M.I.E.C. (Hackney)
Hon Secretary: Mr. H. R. Austin (Beckenham, Kent)
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. D. Sutton (West Ham)
Twelfth Annual Conference Edinburgh – May 12th to 14th
16th President: Mr. Colin Campbell (Dunfermline)
Secretary: Mr. H. R. Austin (Beckenham, Kent)
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. D. Sutton (West Ham)
Thirteenth Annual Conference Scarborough – May 4th to 6th
17th President: Mr. Chas. N. Bond M.J.Inst.E., M.I.E.C.(Bournemouth)
Secretary: Mr. H. R. Austin (Beckenham, Kent)
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. D. Sutton (West Ham)
Fourteenth Annual Conference Bournemouth – May 10th to 12th
18th President: Mr. F. Wilkinson (Nelson)
Secretary: Mr. H. R. Austin
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. D. Sutton (West Ham)
Fifteenth Annual Conference Hastings – May 16th to 18th
19th President: Mr. Thos E. Mogg (Woolwich)
Secretary: Mr. H. R. Austin
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. D. Sutton (West Ham)