Birmingham – Green Lane Baths
The following is taken directly from The City of Birmingham Baths Department 1851 – 1951. The work was written and compiled by J. Moth M.N.A.B.S Birmingham 1951 and is presented here.
Even before the Monument Road Baths project had first been mooted in 1867, the question of erecting an establishment to serve the populous districts of Bordesley, Deritend and the adjoining Wards, had been under consideration by the Council and when in 1886, the Baths Committee presented proposals with a view to getting some finality on this long outstanding matter, the site suggested was rejected on the grounds that a cheaper site should be sought.
A year later, no alternative site having become available, the original proposals were renewed, but an amendment to the effect that in view of the depressed state of trade, money should not be spent on Baths at all, resulted in the recommendations being again defeated.
Undeterred, the Baths Committee in 1890 joined forces with the Free Libraries Committee, who also wanted a site in Bordesley, and put forward a proposal for the acquisition of a site in Green Lane on which both Baths and a Library could be erected. This was accepted by the Council, but further difficulties regarding the expenditure to be incurred delayed the opening of the Green Lane Baths until the 29th October, 1902.
The long awaited Baths in Green Lane had First and Second Class Swimming Baths and suites or First and Second Class Private Baths for Men and Women. From the date of its opening, serving as it does one of the most thickly populated areas of the City, the Baths have been heavily patronised in all Sections and the destruction of the Large Swimming Bath by enemy action during a night raid on 18th October, 1940, has proved a severe handicap in meeting the requirements of this district. Happily, the necessary permission has now been received to rebuild the damaged bath and it is hoped to commence the work early in 1951.
I remember as child of about 7/8 years old going Every Sunday morning with my big sister to Green Lane Swimming Baths to have a bath as we had no bathroom.
I can’t recall how much it cost us for a very rough white towel with blue or red stripes and had probably The Property of Birmingham City Council p. As if anyone would want to steal such a rough towel! A red block of carbolic soap and a tub of extremely hot water. I can see the steam rising now more than 60 yrs later.
There were three of us sharing that one tub of hot water. And my sister Sue Being the elder of us went first. She wallowed in it while we stood around in our undies waiting. I was next being the middle girl no wallowing for me or my younger sister Wendy.
I wonder what children today would say if they had to do that!
We’re they Happy Days? I think so because we had no reason to believe there was anything better.