Birmingham – King’s Heath Baths
The following is taken directly from The City of Birmingham Baths Department 1851 – 1951. The work was written and compiled by J. Moth M.N.A.B.S Birmingham 1951 and is presented here.
Plans for the extension of the Department had of necessity been interrupted by the Great War of 1914-1918, but in 1920 as the result of a memorial from the residents of the King’s Heath district, it was decided to build an establishment on a site in Institute Road, acquired in 1911.
This bath was erected as part of the Corporation’s scheme of Unemployed Relief Works, and the facilities provided were a swimming bath with suites of washing baths for men and women
As is mentioned elsewhere in this account, it was decided, in view of the apparent lack of support for winter swimming, to construct the swimming bath to conform to the Licensing Justices’ requirements, so that it could be floored over and used as a Hall in the winter months.
Since the opening of King’s Heath Baths on 15th August, 1923, it has proved a popular venue for swimmers during the summer, and for many years the City’s leading badminton clubs have made good use of the excellent courts available in the Hall during the winter months. The Saturday night dances are also well patronised, and as there are winter swimming facilities at no great distance, it is felt that this establishment serves a useful purpose throughout the year in the best interests of the local community as a whole.