The Purification of the Water of Swimming Baths

Can you help identify the date of this publication and the organisation that published it.

It may have been the first version of the later documents by the same title.

The publisher may have been the Ministry of Health.

Extract for Final Page

‘The Baths Superintendents’ Association take a great interest in all problems connected with bathing, and if the Association could. take the lead in devising a satisfactory model log sheet, this might add greatly to the usefulness of the work of the Association. I. The Chairman and other members of the Committee wish to express their appreciation of the research and enquiry carried out by Dr. A. Key, the Senior Chemical Inspector of the Ministry of Health, by which the inclusion of the most recent ideas regarding the treatment of water has been made possible. We also wish to record our thanks to the Secretaries, firstly Mr. F. P. Gregory and later Mr. P. A. Cooke, for all the care they have bestowed on the work of the Committee. R. G. HETHERINGTON. N. R. BEATTIE. A. KEY. G. M. McNAUGHTON. E. L. STURDEE.’

Use this link to view the whole publication

The Purification of The Water of Swimming Baths Ministry of Health

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