Conference Papers – The National Association of Bath Superintendents 1931 to 1961


Allison, Wilson B.
F.R.I.B.A., M.I.Struct.E., County Borough of Wallasey Some Impressions of Modern German Bathing Establishments
Walker, E. S. Superintendent, Kensington Baths Fuel
Kay, T. Manager of Wombwell Baths, Yorks. The Responsibility of Public Authorities for the Provision of Swimming instruction
Hoppenberg, Herrn E. Director of the Committee Owning the Public Baths, Bremen Germany, Vice-President of the Association of German Baths Directors Public Baths in Germany
Wright, J. W. Superintendent Bingley Baths Medical Baths in Public Bathing Establishments


Bond, Charles N. Superintendent Central Baths, Wolverhampton The Preparation and Carrying Through of a New Bath Scheme
Austin, H. R. (Beckenham) The Economics of Municipal Baths and Wash-Houses
Read. A. E. Superintendent of Greenwich Public Baths The Winter Use of Swimming Baths


Fretwell W. E. Vice-President Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers and Shutt, E. (Bermondsey) The Design of Heating and Water Services for Public Baths
Leist W. J. Spa Manager, Leamington Spa Spas
Palmer, A. V. Baths Engineer, Leamington Spa Engineering as Applied to a Spa Establishment
Whiteley, C. W. M.I.Mar.E. Filtration Plant for Swimming Baths – A General Survey
Gerrard, J. Some Notes on Bath Water Filtration, With Special Reference to the Importance of The Hydrogen-Ion Concentration (P.H. Values)


Mogg, Thos. E. M.I.E.C., M.N.A.B.S. General Superintendent, Woolwich The Examination of Filtered Swimming Bath Water
Grundy, J. T. M.N.A.B.S., A.S.A., R.L.S.S Superintendent, Baths Department, Burnley Gas Fired Boilers
Whittle, E. H. M.I.E.C., M.N.A.B.S. (Holborn) A Criticism of Baths Filtration Systems
Fern, H. E. Alderman President and Hon. Secretary of the Amateur Swimming Association Problems of Mutual Interest to the Swimmer and the Bath Superintendent
Boon, W. L. London and Counties Coke Association Coke as a Fuel for Public Baths


Baler, H. Superintendent, White Rock Baths Hastings Baths
Snelgrove, Copeland, E. M.I.Struct.E., M.Soc.C.E. (France) Honary Member, Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering, University of Sheffield, Surveyor Town Planning Authority Uganda. Husband, H. C. B.Eng., A.M.Inst.C.E., Engineer to a number of Satalite Town Schemes in England and Scotland; and Clarke, A. H. B.Eng. Consulting Engineer and former Resident Engineer for the New Empire Pool and Sports Arena, Wembley Swimming Pool Structural and Hygiene in Relation to Town and County Planning
Ackery, E. M. B.Sc., British Electrical Development Association Electricity for Swimming Baths
Evans, Tom. Councillor (Southwark) A Diversity of Matters
Brownlee, F. M. A.M.Inst.B.E. Superintendent Hampstead Baths Baths’ Accounting and Ticket Issuing


Suddaby, W. A. Hon. Member N.A.B.S. Vice-Chairman of the Croydon Insurance Committee The Provision of Remedial Baths by Local Authorities
Hogg, Richard M. Superintendent Some Observations on Heating Stonehaven Open-Air Swimming Pool
Whittle, E. H. M.N.A.B.S., M.I.E.C., M.Inst: Fuel., A.I.H. & P.H. Manager Engineer, Baths Department Metropolitan of Holborn Some Obstacles to National Progress
Botham, F. R. M.N.A.B.S., Baths Superintendent Borough of Leyton A Modern Bathing Establishment


Mogg, Thomas E. (Woolwich) The Sterilisation of Swimming Bath Water
Beattie, Thos. (Oldham) Baths, Bathing Beaches and Bathing Stations in Germany
Wright, J. W. (Bingley) and Hirst, R. V. (Scarborough) Suggestions for the Incorporation of Medicated Baths with Municipal Undertakings


Whittle, E. H. M.N.A.B.S. Manager Engineer (Holborn) The Humanisation of the Public Baths Service
Lindley, Tom. M.N.A.B.S. Superintendent (Haslingden) The Pre-Cleansing of Persons Using the Swimming Pool
Davenport, John A. M.Sc., B.Eng., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. The Role of Circulation in Bath Water Purification – An Analysis and a Discovery
Read, A. E. Past-President N.A.B.S Superintendent Engineer (Greenwich) Swimming Baths as Halls
Bond, C. N. M.J.Inst., (Bournemouth) Electrical Thermal Storage


Botham, Frank. R. M.N.A.B.S. (Leyton) The Baths Service and the Status of its Officer
Lightfoot, H. B. T.D., M.N.A.B.S. (Stretford) Sanitation in Respect of Public Baths and Wash-Houses
Scott, T.  M.N.A.B.S., C.A.G.S. (Stafford) The Use of Baths’ Laundries and Wash-Houses for the Decontamination of Clothing
Francis, H. (Barrow-in-Furness) Baths Hall Municipal Dances – An Experiment


Horder, Lord. G.C.V.O., F.R.C.P. Chairman of The Empire Rheumatism Council The Public Baths and Public Health
Smith, William C. B. A.R.I.B.A. Bathing Establishment Design of the Post War
Longworth, Leslie A. B.Sc.(Tech.), A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.F., M.I.H.V.E. Fuel Engineer, Ministry of Fuel and Power The Fuel Factor in Public Baths and Wash-Houses
Hollingworth, J. H. National Association of Baths Superintendents Advisory Committee Memorandum by a National Advisory Committee Appointed by The National Association of Bath Superintendents on the Building, Equipment and Management of School Swimming Baths
Cross, Kenneth M. B. M.A., F.R.I.B.A. Developments in Bath Buildings During the Past 100 Years


Yeoman, W. Dr. M.D., Sen. Hon. Phys. Harrogate Royal Baths Hospital Hydrology – Past, Present and Future
Nobbs, W. W. M.I.Mech.E., Past President I.H.V.E. The Heating & Ventilation of Swimming Baths
Bradbury, Ronald. Housing Director for the City of Glasgow Corporation Baths as an Element of Community Planning
Laws, G. J. B.A., M.B., Chair., D.P.H. The Purification of the Water in Swimming Baths and Their Control in Relation to the Public Health (Part 1)
Hoather, Roy C. Dr. B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., M.R. San. I. The Purification of the Water in Swimming Baths and Their Control in Relation to the Public Health (Part 2)
Botham, F. R. General Superintendent, Baths and Wash-Houses Department (Manchester) Public Wash-Houses Future Development


Bierenbroodspot, J. A. C. Dr. President of the National Organisation of Dutch Public Baths and Swimming Pools Industrial Organisation of Public Baths and swimming Pools in Holland
Gale, A. H. D.M., D.P.H. Infantile Paralysis and the Public Baths
Lea, C. B.Sc. The Principles of Break Point Chlorination and Their Application to the Purification of Swimming Bath Water
Bland, R. D. B.Sc. Factors Governing the Choice of Plant to Meet the Heat Requirements of Public Swimming Baths
Key, A. D.Sc., Ph.D. Chemical Inspector, Ministry of Health A Method of Measuring the Clarity of Water in a Swimming Bath
Dilworth, W. D. Heating and Ventilation of Bath Halls


Chadwick, N. E. M.A., M.D., D.P.H. Medical Officer of Health, Borough of Hove The Public Baths Service and the National Health service Act, 1946
Van den Bossche, John. Secretary of the National Federation of Belgium Public Baths and Swimming pools Baths Service in Belgium
Bridie, W. I. M.C.S.P., M.N.A.B.S. Baths Superintendent Borough of Crewe Remedial baths and the National Health Service Act (1946)
Bond, Charles N. M.J.inst.E., M.I.E.C. Bath Superintendent and Engineer, Bournemouth Some Present and Future Responsibilities of the Baths Service
MacCool, J. E. Alderman J.P (Paddington) Entertainment and the New Local Government Act
Lea, C. B.Sc., and Mills, A. J. A.C.G.F.C., A.R.I.C. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Progress With Break Point Chlorination of Swimming Baths Water
Peirson, G. B.A., A.Inst.P. Newalls Insulation Company Limmited Acoustic Treatment in Public Halls
Whittle, E. H. M.N.A.B.S, M.I.E.C., A.R.I.P.H. Manager – Engineer Baths Department Metropolitan Borough of Holborn Equipment to be Provided in Public Baths


Bland, R. D. B.Sc.(Eng.) Baths Manager and Engineer, Liverpool The Economics of Public Wash-Houses
Keeling, Herbert F.I.M.T.A. Borough Treasurer, Worthing Standardisation in Relation to the Baths Service
Palin, A. T. B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Newcastle and Gateshead Water Company Chemical Aspects of Swimming Bath Treatment
Henshilwood J. R. Clyde Fuel Systems Ltd., A General Approach to the Use of Liquid Fuels and Their Application to Boiler Plant in Public Baths and Wash-Houses
Fenner, J. B
. F.R.I.C. Industrial Soaps Ltd., Detergents: Their Economic Application in Public Wash-Houses and Bath Establishment Laundries
Lightfoot, H. B. T.D., M.N.A.B.S. General Superintendent Stretford Methods Recommended for the Repair of Damaged Concrete Swimming Pools Including the Cement-Gun Method


Oliver, William. Professor B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E., F.R.S.E. The ‘Aeratone’ Therapeutic Bath
Osborne, Derek. Town Clerk and Solicitor Leyton Corporation Local Authorities and Civic Entertainments
Heatly, Peter. B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E. The Planning and Design of Modern Swimming Baths
Francis, Hugh. M.N.A.B.S. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Baths Service Recruitment and Training


Lee, Ernest C. Deputy Town Clerk of Blackpool The Legal Problems of a Baths Department
Gerrard, W. F. F.R.I.C., M.Inst.F., F.C.S. Feedwater Specialists Ltd., Liverpool The Preparation of Water For Use in Steam Boilers
Morena, Frederic. Founder Secretary, Infantile Paralysis Fellowship Hydrotherapy for the ‘Polio’
Whitlock, E. A. B.Sc., A.R.I.C. Wallace & Tiernan Ltd., Breakpoint Chlorination with Special reference to Bacteriologic Aspects
Botham, F. R. M.N.A.B.S. General Superintendent of Baths Manchester The Improvement of British Swimming Standards in Relation to the Baths Service Facilities for Swimming Clubs


Botham, F. R. M.N.A.B.S. General Superintendent of Baths Manchester and Brown, H. A.M.Inst.Gas. e., M.I.F., Ministry of Fuel and Power Fuel Consumption and Steam Utilisation in Public Baths and Wash-Houses
Burgess, S. G. Ph.D., B.Sc., F.R.I.C., F.Inst.Pet. Deputy Chemist, London County Council; Burns, D. B.Sc., A.I.R.C. Senior Assistant Chemist, Chemical Branch, Public Health Department, London County Council, and Tidy, C. W. A.M.I.H.E. Senior Assistant, Chief Engineer’s Department London County Council Swimming Bath Water Treatment
Bierenbroodspot, J. A. C. Dr. President of the Vereenigde Sportfondsenbaden Ltd., of Holland The Baths Service of the Netherlands
McLellan, T. H. Public Administration and the Baths Superintendent
Hitchin, H. T. A.M.N.A.B.S., D.P.A., A.I.San.E. (Hammersmith) Economics of the Public Baths Service


Smith, W. A. A.M.H.I.V.E., M.Inst.F. Area Engineer (Tunbridge Wells) National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service “SMOG” and the Public Baths
Ewing, E. G. M.I.R.E., Associate I.E.E. Acoustical Consultant Burgess Products Company Ltd., Hinckley, Leicester Noise Reduction in Swimming Baths
Whitlock, E. A. B.Sc., A.I.R.C. Chief Chemist Wallace & Tiernan Ltd., The Waterborne Diseases of Microbiological Origin
Hardman, J. H. A. Managing Director of the Municipal Laundry, Bathing and Swimming Establishments of Amsterdam The Public Baths and Wash-Houses System in Amsterdam
Whittle, E. H. M.N.A.B.S. Manager-Engineer, Baths Department, Metropolitan Borough of Holborn The Prevention of Accidents in Public Baths and Wash-Houses
Wright, J. W. M.N.A.B.S. Baths Superintendent for the Bingley Urban District Council Remedial Treatments


Cross, Kenneth, M. B. M.A., V-P.R.I.B.A. The Cost of bath Building Today
Culbert, T. D. Dr. M.B., Ch.B., F.F.A.R.C.S. That Physiotherapy Should be Made Available as a Benefit Under the National Health Service at Public Baths
Semple, Andrew B. Professor. V.R.D., M.D., D.P.H. Is There a Place for Hydrotherapy in Municipal Baths?
Evans, R. V. Charrington Gardner Locket 9London) Ltd., The Relative Value of Fuels
Thatcher, Cyril  F. LL.B. Town Clerk and Solicitor, Metropolitan Borough of Fulham The Development of Public Laundries by Local Authorities
Prince, Ancliffe. Member of the Society of Laundry Engineers and Allied Trades and Editor, Power Laundry, Dyeing and Cleaning News The Case Against the Development of Laundry Service by Public Authorities
Fenner, J. B. F.R.I.C. Industrial Soaps ltd., The Efficient Use of Laundry Equipment in Bath Establishments Laundries


Rowland, A. W. Urquhart’s (1929) Ltd., Utilization of Oil Fuels
Francis, Hugh. M.N.A.B.S. General Manager of the Public Baths and Wash-Houses Department Nottingham; Sharples, A.  M.N.A.B.S General Superintendent of the City of Coventry baths Department and Learmouth, J. I. M.N.A.B.S. Superintendent of the Baths Department Renfrew The Case Against Conversion of Swimming Baths to Public Halls
Dilworth, W. H. M.N.A.B.S. Superintendent Engineer, Public Baths Department Ilford The Case for the Conversion of Swimming Baths to Public Halls
Bailey, B. A. John Dale Ltd. The Reduction of Noise in Swimming Baths
Terleski, John. Dr. B.Sc., A.R.I.C. Soap Standards and Specifications
McLean, G. O. M.Eng. Heating Baths From Natural Sources – The Application of Heat Pumps
Bierenbroodspot, J. A. C. Dr. President of the Nederlandsche Bond Van Overdekte Zweminrichtengen and President of the de Vereenigde Sportfondsenbaden Ltd. (Holland) Construction of Hollands Latest Swimming Baths with Special Reference to Roof Construction and Acoustic Properties
Hyde, H. P. M.N.A.B.S. Baths Superintendent, County Borough of East Ham Dressing Accommodation of Public Baths Services


George, E. Perrett Control Co., Ltd. The Commencement and Development of Automatic Washing
Sindery, G. G. A.M.I. Mech.E. Houseman & Thompson Ltd. Water Treatment for Steam Plant
Windle, R. W. M.D., D.Phys. Med Consultant in Physical Medicine to the Brighton and Lewes Group of Hospitals Rehabilitation and the Municipal Baths
Roberts, E. C. M.Eng., M.I.C.E., M.I.Mun.E., M.T.P.I., A.R.I.C.S., F.R.S.H. City Surveyor Cardiff The Wales Empire Pool
Taylor, J. F. W.T. Taylor & Co., Ltd. The Manufacture of Towels


Semple, Andrew B. V.R.D., M.D., D.P.H. Medical Officer of Health of the City of Liverpool The Contribution of the Baths Service to the Public Health
Neal, A. W.
C.G.I.A., A.M.I.Mech.E., Associate I.E.E. Water Engineer and Manager Clacton Urban District Council Heat Exchange
Lee, Ernest C. Town Clerk of Blackpool Bylaws and Baths
Archibald, L. R. and Greenless, K. R. Standardised Open Air Swimming Pools
Palin, A. T. B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Chief Chemist to Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Gateshead Water Company Simple Tablet Tests for Treatment Control in Swimming Baths
Bland, R. D. B.Sc.(Eng.), M.Inst.F. Manager and Engineer of the City of Liverpool Baths and Wash-Houses Department Engineering and Public Baths and Wash-Houses
Hitchin, H. T. M.N.A.B.S., D.P.A., A.I.P.H.E. Superintendent of the Metropolitan Borough of Hammersmith Baths and Wash-Houses Department Diatomite Filters


Grattidge, Harold H. M.I.H.V.E., M.Inst.F., N.I.F.E.S. Scottish Area Engineer The Clean Air Act 1956
Brittain, T. A. F.R.I.B.A., Dip. Arch. Borough Architect, County Borough of Birkenhead Contemporary Trends in Baths Design
Edwards, J. C. Bastian and Allen Ltd. Electrification of Public Baths
Harnett, H. V. A.I.M.T.A. Deputy Borough Treasurer for the Borough of Richmond Public Baths Accounting
Ashton, R. A. M.N.A.B.S. Director of the City of Leeds Baths and Wash-Houses Department The Baths Service and the Future


Gibson, Mary D. Dr. M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. Assistant Medical Officer of Health to the City of Bristol and English, Mary P. M.Sc. Microbiologist at Bristol General Hospital Is the Swimming Baths Responsible for the Spread of Fungus Infections of the Feet in School Children?
Peirce, M. W. F.I.E.S. General Electric Company Limited The Lighting of Swimming Baths
Taylor, Windle E. Dr.  M.A., M.D.,, M.R.C.P., D.P.H. Director of Water Examination Metropolitan Water Board Water Purification
Lawson, W. P. Bastian and Allen Ltd., Public Relations in Respect of Bathing Establishments
Rawlinson, Austin. Chairman of the A.S.A. Education Committee, Team Manager to the British Olympic Team Facilities for Swimming and Swimmers – Their Effect on Competition and the General Public


Edwards, J. C. Bastian and Allen Ltd. and Kent, R. V. A.M.I.H.V.E. G. H. Buckle and Partners Heating, Ventilating and Auxiliary Services for Swimming Baths
Gay, P. J. B.Sc. Technical Director Intertol Company Ltd. The Treatment of Condensation and Corrosion in Public Baths
Collier, W. M. B.Sc., Grad.Inst.P., Grad.Brit.I.R.E. Newalls Insulation Company Ltd. Acoustic Treatment in Public Bathing Establishments and Laundries
Heatley, Peter. B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E. The Planning and Design of Indoor Swimming Pools
Bolt, J. A. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.F., A.F.inst.Pet., M.Inst.Plant E. The Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co. Ltd. A Review of Oil Firing Equipment

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