F R Botham Award

The F R Botham Award was instituted to mark the contributions made to the affairs of the Institute by Mr F R Botham for many years Honorary Treasurer of the Institute. Since its inception awards have been made as follows to recognised meritorious service to the Institute.

1968    Dick Ashton

1969    Harry Hitchin

1970    Tom Anderson

1971    No recipient

1972    Eddie Pow

1973    Alan Wright

1974    Ronnie Bland & Hugh Francis

1975    Jim Wallace

1976    Eddie Lusher

1977    Alfred Read

1978    Gerry Montgomery

1979    Malcolm Roddie

1980    No recipient

1981    John Brooks

1982    Noel Winter

1983    Wilf Archer

1984    Martin Havenhand

1985    George Cottrell

1986    Ralph Riley

1987    Bob Brenton

1988    Linda Bishop-Bailey

1989    Walter Beste

1990    Carl Evans-Platt

1991    Lyn Telford

1992    John Martin

1993    No recipient

1994    Bill Fantom

1995    Colin Crayford

1996    Jill Franks

1997    No recipient

1998    Noel Winter

1999    Neil Jenkinson

2000    No recipient

2001    No recipient

2002    Anita Cacchioli

2003    No recipient

2004    Keith Osborne

2005    Neil Farmer

2006    Ian Nicks

2007    Barry Holmes

2008    No recipient

2009    Ralph Riley

2010    Andy Varmon

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