Salford – Pendleton Baths
Pendleton Baths were designed by Mr. Lawrence Booth, architect, Manchester, and under his supervision, Mr. W. Young acting clerk of works. Construction cost £8,000.
The building was opened 24th July 1885.
At the time of opening, according to the Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser – Saturday 25 July 1885, the building contained the following:
Two large plunge‑baths
First Class 47ft x 25ft with dressing boxes arranged on two sides and finished in varnished pitch pine.
Second Class 75ft x 27ft with dressing boxes on both sides and one end with balcony above.
Slipper Baths Men’s with Waiting Room
First Class 10
Second Class 15
Slipper baths Women’s with Waiting Room
First Class 4
Second Class 8
Men’s Vapour Bath
Women’s Vapour Bath
Caretaker’s residence
Establishment laundry
The Carnegie United Kingdom Trust 1918
The building is listed in The Carnegie United Kingdom Trust ‘The Report on Public Baths and Wash-Houses in the United Kingdom’ by Agnes Campbell B.A. 1918 provides a listing for Pendleton Baths.
However by this time the report only gives mention to the presence of 25 Men’s slipper baths and 4 Women’s slipper baths.
(Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser – Saturday 25 July 1885)
Yesterday afternoon, the Mayor of Salford (Mr. Alderman Makinson), opened the new public swimming baths which have been erected at Pendleton by the Salford Corporation. The chair was occupied by Mr. Alderman W. H. Bailey, chairman of the baths committee, and there was large company present, including the Very Rev. the Dean of Manchester, the Rev. Canon Stowell, the Mayor of Wigan (Mr. Alderman Park), and several members of the Salford Corporation. Mr. Bailey said letters of apology had been received from Mr. Armitage, M.P., and Mr. Arnold, M.P., both of whom wished success to the undertaking.
He said it was the earnest desire of the baths committee to establish least two more baths similar to the one which they were gathered if they could only make them pay. (Applause).
He then presented the Mayor of Salford with beautiful silver-gilt key, the work of Messrs. Elkington and Co., on which the Salford coat of arms was richly enamelled, and bearing appropriate inscription.-— The Mayor said bathing and the art or swimming were now looked upon essential parts of the national education given in England, and public baths were now, he thought, considered to be absolute necessity in all large centres of population. He heartily congratulated the members of the baths committee upon the splendid which had been erected, and he hoped that the baths would be appreciated by those whom they were intended to benefit. (Applause.) He then declared the baths open for public use.
The Dean of Manchester, in proposing a vote of thanks to the mayor, said the Manchester Ship Canal had been mentioned in connection with the establishment of that bath, and he personally wished every possible success to that magnificent enterprise. He hoped that the expectations which were based upon it of increased wealth and prosperity to Manchester might in no degree be disappointed. (Applause.) But along with their aspirations for returning wealth and prosperity, there ought to be the most earnest and religious aspirations for an improvement the moral tone’ and in the whole social condition of the vast mass of people of this seething city. (Applause.)
Mr. Gadd seconded the resolution, which was agreed to. Mr. Davies moved, and Mr. Harwood seconded, a vote of thanks to the chairman, vice-chairman, and members of the baths committee, which, having been supported by the Mayor of Wigan, Canon Stowell, and Mr. M’Kerrow, was unanimously carried, Mr. Bailey returning thanks on behalf of the committee.
A swimming competition afterwards took place, Mr. J. J. Meakin acting as judge, and Mr. R. M. Whitehead as handicapper and starter.
The entrances the baths are placed in the centre of the building, right and left of the ticket office. Entering the building by the second class entrance on the left-hand side is spacious corridor communicates with the second-class slipper baths and the second-class plunge bath. Up to a height of five feet walls are lined with enamelled bricks of pleasing tints, the upper part being lined with buff bricks and red brick string courses, a treatment has been consistently adopted throughout the interior of the building.
The principal plunge bath, the water area of which measures 75ft. by 27ft., is intended for second class bathers, and will be used on gala days for exhibition swimming contests, &c. Dressing boxes 4ft. 6in. by 4ft. 6in. are placed along both sides and one end, with balconies over; the whole of which are in pitch pine varnished. All the gangways are 4ft. 6in. wide. Shower baths, foot baths, spray pipes, and other conveniences are introduced in order to fit np the whole in accordance with the most recent improvements in bath construction.
The first-class plunge bath, approached from the corridor the right hand side of the ticket office, has a water area of 44 feet by 25 feet, with dressing boxes arranged on two sides and finished in varnished pitch pine. This bath has been arranged that it may be used in connection with the ladies’ baths on such days the baths committee may think it desirable to set apart for the exclusive use of ladies.
The whole of the private or slipper baths are placed upon the ground floor level. There are of these 10 first-class and 15 second-class in the men’s department, and in the ladies’ department there are four first-class and eight second-class.
Two vapour baths are also provided, one for the use of ladies and one for gentlemen.
Over the ticket office is placed the caretaker’s residence, and the rear the laundry, drying closet, storeroom, boiler-house, Ac.
The committee-room is placed at the corner of Broad-street and Frederick-street.
The contractors for the erection of the building are Messrs. R. Neill and Sons, and for the engineering and washing machinery Messrs. T. Bradford and Co., of Salford. Messrs. Galloway and Sons have supplied the two large boilers. The whole of the work has been carried out from the designs of Mr. Lawrence Booth, architect, Manchester, and under his supervision, Mr. W. Young acting clerk of works. The total cost of the entire structure, including all fittings and appliances is about £8.000.